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IIBA endorsed education provider


Business Analyst certifications - CBAP and CCBA

CBAP is the most respected certifications for Business analysts and is offered by International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). This certification is meant for business analysts with industry experience. Techcanvass, being IIBA EEP (endorsed education provider), offers courses, which are IIBA Endorsed as well as prepares you for the CBAP certification. For more information, visit
- CBAP certification page
- CCBA certification page

Please note, IIBA is now going to introduce a multi-level certification programs from september 2016. To know more visit - 2016 Certification

Certified Business Analyst Elite (CBAE) Training


Certified Business Analyst Elite (CBAE) Training is an IIBA endorsed education course. This course is designed with the objective of providing you with all the formal processes, techniques and processes relating to Business Analyst role e.g. UML modeling, Process Modeling, DFD, Testing etc. knowmore

AGILE Testing Alliance CP-SAT, CP-BAT & other certifications

CP-SAT Selenium certification training

CP-SAT - Selenium Certification Training

CP-SAT stands for “Certified Professional – Selenium Automation Testing” certification prepared and honored by “Agile Testing Alliance” & “University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)”. CP-SAT is probably the only global certification for Selenium professionals. This training course is exclusively designed for CP-SAT certification. knowmore

Testing professional certifications - ISTQB


ISTQB is an international testing certification body providing certifications at various levels. Some of the certifications areas are:
- AGILE Testing professional
- Advanced level Testing professional
- Foundation level Testing professional

We are affiliated to ISTQB through Indian Testing Board and will help you appear for the test at designated locations.

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